Get Your Oohs and Aahs Ready
July is here and summer is well under way. We also got the most patriotic holiday of the year coming up, the fourth of July. Sorry Flag Day, Labor Day and Veteran's Day. Try a little harder next year. Because of this occasion, I have decided to do something a little special for this blog post. I will showcasing a couple of entries from episodes I have not completed yet. Usually, I just go into one of my word files and pluck out an entry and paste it on here. Not tonight. It's all fresh and relatively live. Hopefully you get to read this before heading off to your cabin or family lake that you no doubtably have. Remember, fireworks kill. No wait, I think I have that wrong. I think it's actually "Remember, fireworks are awesome and make you cool." On with the fun!!!
Fireworks When Kramer hears that Jerry is going to pick up Elaine at the airport, he incredulously asks, "What, she's been away?" Jerry explains, "She's been in Mexico for six weeks," and Kramer replies, "No, I really think you're wrong. We just went to the fireworks the other day." Jerry tells him, "That was July 4th!" (127)
- Realizing she has the same tastes in movies as Vincent, a clerk at Champagne Videos, Elaine becomes infatuated with him; when he calls her, she wants to meet with him, but he declines, saying, "I can't bear to have anyone see me." She talks him into it and he agrees , but asks that she bring him some things from the store; when she arrives, Elaine runs into Vincent's mother and discovers that Vincent is really a teenager; the mother grabs the bag Elaine is holding and angrily asks, "What do you have there? Vodka, cigarettes, fireworks? What kind of a sick woman brings this to a fifteen year old?" (139)
- After obtaining Frank Costanza's old screen door and installing it in his apartment, Kramer adopts a relaxed, country lifestyle; while passing by, Jerry asks, "You barbecuing tonight?" and Kramer informs him, "Right after the fireworks." Soon, when Jerry opens his door, he spots Kramer sitting in a lawn chair holding a lit sparkler (151)
So there we have it! Two brand new holiday themed entries available only on The Seinfeld Encyclopedia Blog. I hope you all have a wonderful fourth of July with your friends and family. Thanks again for stopping by and as always, be sure to click the link on the right to get your name in the book. We've already had over 200 sign-ups which is absolutely incredible. Don't you want to be part of the fun? That's right, you do. Later!
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